5 FireFox Keyboard Shortcuts

Use FireFox? Well you need these five top Keyboard shortcuts. I use them all at least once every waking hour of the day. Not revolutionary or new, just great and time saving. You may also like to read about two FireFox URL tricks I use just as much.

  1. Jump to the Search Box – Ctrl(Windows)/Cmd(OSX) + K
  2. Open New Tab – Ctrl/Cmd + T
  3. Close Tab – Ctrl/Cmd + W
  4. Switch Tab – Ctrl + Tab (Windows and OSX) or hold Shift as well to go backwards
  5. Jump to the Address/Location Bar – Ctrl(Windows)/Cmd(OSX) + L

Aside from the keyboard shortcuts, I use “find as you type” constantly. It comes in particularly handy when you Google for something and end up at a huge page through one of the results. You know there’s a particular phrase on that page somewhere but it’s certainly not near the top. The absolute quickest way to find the piece of text you’re after is to just start to type it. When you do, and as you form the word, FireFox will select the first match on the page. You have to enable this option as it’s not on by default. If you find out there’s more than one match on the page, hit Ctrl/Cmd + F and the usual find dialogue will become available with your phrase already there and the first match selected.

It’s probably worth pointing out that many of these shortcuts are shared between browsers, not all but some. For example, Cmd + W is also close tab in Safari, OSX’s packaged browser and Opera.